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Coffee damages: Learn about the most important risks of coffee

 Talking about the harms and negatives of coffee may come as a surprise to a large number of people who are fans of this drink, which accompanies many of them daily.

Drinking coffee is one of the most important daily rituals that many people follow every day, and some cannot start the day without a cup of coffee, but research and studies have proven that there are risks and damages to this daily habit.

Coffee disadvantages and disadvantages

Although the coffee drink is considered one of the safe and non-toxic drinks that has a distinctive taste that many people like, excessive consumption of it results in some harm and negatives, most notably:

  • It creates a state of getting used to the person and causes symptoms of tension and nervousness, which are similar to the symptoms of addictive drugs, especially if coffee is consumed a lot.
  • Coffee leads to colon irritation and stomach cramps, which causes an increase in IBS symptoms.
  • They cause stomach irritation and ulcers because they contain caffeine and some ingredients that irritate the stomach lining.
  • It increases the risk of fetal abnormalities, miscarriage, premature birth, and low birth weight if it is consumed in excess during pregnancy.
  • It causes many problems for the infant, the most important of which are sleep disturbances, frequent crying, irritability, and nervousness, as coffee seeps into the infant through breast milk.
  • It causes acidity and GERD, which is one of the most important side effects of drinking a lot of coffee.
  • It negatively affects the nervous system of children, causing anemia, sleep disorders, and indigestion.
  • Coffee causes feelings of stress, tension, and nervousness.
  • It causes damage to the heart, as it leads to high blood pressure and a rapid heartbeat.

The harms and negatives of coffee are many, including its interaction with some medications and nutritional supplements, especially heart and pressure medications, epilepsy medications, antibiotics, thyroid medications, vitamins, and nutritional supplements.

More coffee cons

Although there are many benefits of coffee related to improving the psychological state and increasing the feeling of alertness, its frequent consumption of it causes a lot of damage, such as:

  • Diarrhea, as consuming more coffee leads to digestive disorders, rapid bowel emptying, and bouts of diarrhea, which causes poor absorption of important nutrients, and the person is exposed to malnutrition and weight loss.
  • Absorption of vitamins and minerals, coffee affects the body's ability to absorb vitamins and minerals, exposing the body to many health problems, especially iron, zinc, calcium, and magnesium.
  • Stomach bleeding, and excessive coffee intake can cause stomach bleeding and ulcers.
  • Raising the level of cholesterol, coffee leads to an increase in the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood, which puts the heart at risk and increases the rates of heart attacks.
  • Weak bones. High consumption of coffee leads to osteoporosis because it contains caffeine, which stimulates the excretion of calcium in the urine and prevents the body from absorbing vitamin D, which leads to weak and osteoporotic bones.
  • In diabetes disorders, coffee causes disturbances in the body's ability to absorb sugar, which leads to the instability of blood sugar, whether high or low.
  • The effect on the liver, coffee consumption leads to a negative impact on the performance of the liver, weakening its ability to purify toxins from the body.
  • High intraocular pressure, beware of drinking too much coffee, especially for the elderly, because it causes high eye pressure and glaucoma.
  • Insomnia, drinking coffee causes sleep disturbances, insomnia, stress, and anxiety, which affects a person’s normal daily life.

From here, we conclude that coffee’s many negatives and damages can be overcome by eating limited amounts of coffee in moderation without excessive and by avoiding its consumption during pregnancy, lactation, and menstruation, with caution in dealing with heart patients, pressure, diabetes, thyroid disorders, and glaucoma so that health complications do not occur.

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