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The best vitamin to treat lethargy and laziness, enhance energy, and its most important food sources

  Many of us ask this question, and the reason for this is, because the feeling of lethargy and laziness is a daily obstacle that many suffer from, and despite the many causes of feeling lethargic and lazy, most of them are due to the lack of some important vitamins in the body. And the best vitamin to treat lethargy and laziness and enhance the body’s energy, and the most important sources of these vitamins are in foods and foodstuffs.

The best vitamin for treating lethargy

In the beginning, and before addressing the best vitamin to treat lethargy and laziness, it is necessary to identify the causes of lethargy and whether they are for health and psychological reasons, or just a lack of vitamins, to find out what is the most appropriate treatment for your case.

Causes of lethargy and laziness

Not following a healthy diet, with healthy foods that provide the body with vitality and energy.

Disruption of sleep and wake times, and not getting enough rest.

Lack of exercise and lack of movement.

Lack of vitamins in the body that provide the body with activity.

Thyroid dysfunction.

Liver dysfunction.

Mental state disorder and stress.

There are several symptoms that accompany the feeling of lethargy and laziness, which when they appear, must search for the real cause and treat quickly, including:

  • Yellowing and pallor of the skin.
  • Poor mental state and mood.
  • Feeling tired and exhausted throughout the day, and general weakness of the body.
  • Significant increase in body perspiration.

sleeping for long periods

After identifying the causes of lethargy and laziness, and their most important symptoms. Here is a list of the best vitamins for treating lethargy and laziness and its most important food sources:

Vitamin b12

It is considered the best vitamin for treating lethargy and laziness, maintaining and enhancing energy levels in the body, as well as preserving brain functions and movement to increase the body's vitality. Vitamin B12 is available in the form of tablets and injections, but it is not recommended to use it without a doctor’s supervision, to determine the appropriate dose and diagnose your condition in advance. Vitamin B12 is also found in many foods, including “eggs, liver, red meat, poultry, dairy, and fish.”

Vitamin C 

The use of vitamin C is usually associated with the immune system, but it is also a vitamin to treat lethargy, as it is important and affects the body's energy levels. It is a powerful antioxidant and healer. As it is known in cases of colds, vitamin C relieves the body’s stress in addition to its wonderful ability to resist bacteria and viruses, as it helps to enhance the body’s activity and vitality and reduce the period of stress caused by the cold. It is always recommended to use vitamin C, whether in the form of drops or tablets, to enhance the immunity and energy of the body, but under the supervision of a doctor. Vitamin C can also be obtained by eating a lot of vegetables and fruits, including “oranges, lemons, kiwis, parsley, hot peppers, guavas, colored peppers, broccoli, strawberries and many more.”

 Vitamin D

It is the vitamin most associated with inactivity and lack of energy levels in the body, and it has many functions, including strengthening bones from fragility, strengthening the immune system, and preventing some chronic diseases and cancerous diseases. Vitamin D is called the “sunshine vitamin” because the sun is the best source of vitamin D all. The body needs a daily percentage of vitamin D, just like other vitamins necessary for the body to boost its energy. And when there is a deficiency in the proportion of vitamin D in the body, the months increase with lethargy, laziness, and constant stress, as it is one of its most famous symptoms. It is a vitamin to treat lethargy and laziness directly, and you can take doses of vitamin D in the form of tablets, but under the supervision of a doctor, in case of excessive doses of it cause severe damage to the body.

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