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cold mocha

 Mocha is a popular Western drink in all restaurants in the world, and it can be prepared cold or hot in many flavors, such as vanilla, strawberry, and chocolate, and in this article, we will mention to you more than one way to prepare a cold mocha drink with several different flavors.

How to make quick and easy cold mocha

The cold mocha drink is very refreshing in the summer, as it provides the body with energy and relieves high body heat, and is prepared through these ingredients and the following steps:

the ingredients

  • A cup of melted coffee.
  • Two tablespoons of liquid milk.
  • A tablespoon of cocoa powder.
  • A tablespoon of finely powdered sugar.
  • Ice cubes.

Preparation steps

  • Mix cocoa, sugar, and milk well in an electric mixer.
  • Add to the mixture a cup of dissolved coffee with a slow down speed.
  • Distribute mocha in serving cups.
  • Top with ice cubes, then serve cold mocha.

How to make cold mocha with caramel and mars chocolate

One of the best flavors of the cold mocha drink is the one made with caramel and delicious Mars chocolate pieces:

the ingredients

  • Two cups of cold water.
  • Two tablespoons of Nescafe powder.
  • Half a cup of whipping cream.
  • Two tablespoons of powdered sugar.
  • Five pieces of crushed ice.
  • Four tablespoons of vanilla ice cream.
  • Two slices of school chocolate.
  • Two teaspoons of caramel.

Preparation steps

Bring an electric mixer and put cold water and whipping cream into it.

Add Nescafe, powdered sugar, and vanilla ice cream.

Mix the ingredients together well with the addition of ice.

Pour mocha into serving glasses and garnish with caramel and school chocolate.

How to make a cold strawberry mocha drink

Mocha cold drink with fresh strawberry flavor is a very refreshing and delicious summer western drink, prepared through:

the ingredients

  • a glass of cold water;
  • A cup of crushed ice.
  • A quarter cup of liquid milk.
  • Half a cup of cream.
  • Half a cup of vanilla ice cream.
  • Half a cup of strawberry ice cream.
  • Five pieces of fresh strawberries.

Preparation steps

  • Place cream, ice, milk, and water in an electric mixer.
  • Components are mixed together.
  • Add the vanilla and strawberry ice cream to the ingredients.
  • Pour mocha into serving glasses.
  • Garnish with strawberries and serve cold.

How to make cold mocha with oreo biscuits

This is a very easy way to prepare a cold mocha drink without adding Nescafe, with the delicious deliciousness of Oreo biscuits:

the ingredients

  • Half a cup of liquid milk.
  • Half a cup of cream.
  • Two cups of Oreo cookies.
  • A cup of whipping cream.
  • Two tablespoons of liquid chocolate.

Preparation steps

Beat the whipping cream, cream, and milk in an electric mixer.

Add Oreo biscuit pieces to the mixture.

Pour the mixture into mocha cups and decorate with melted chocolate.

How to make a cold mocha with white Hershey's

White Hershey's is one of the delicious types of chocolate that can be used to prepare a cold mocha drink, through some simple ingredients that are available at home in easy and quick steps:

the ingredients

  • One and a half cups of cold milk.
  • A teaspoon of fine sugar.
  • Three tablespoons of Hershey's white chocolate.
  • A tablespoon of Nescafe.
  • Half a cup of lukewarm water.
  • Pieces of toffee as desired.
  • Two tablespoons of vanilla ice cream.
  • Two tablespoons of liquid chocolate.
  • crushed ice.

Preparation steps

  • Nescafe is dissolved in lukewarm water.
  • Melt Hershey's white chocolate bars in the microwave.
  • Put the melted chocolate and Nescafe into the electric mixer.
  • Add milk, sugar, and crushed ice.
  • Mix ingredients well and pour into serving glasses.
  • Garnish the mocha with ice cream and melted chocolate and serve cold.

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